Modern Marriages I often think flounder at the altar of Housework.
Housework is the deity that is never appeased and forever hungry.
And as the years pass by,with kids and their paraphernalia,the deity gets fatter fatter like an ajgar. And demands more and more upaasaks (servants).Like the temple priests these servants too realize their key position and act more like brokers and middlemen.And if as an outraged woman a la Rebecca,you try to get rid of the middlemen,you find the ajgar dangling from your own sainted neck.
Not surprisingly, most women who happily see their husbands off for six month long foreign trips suffer extreme apoplexy if the servant goes off even for a day :))
That is why I do not understand all those Good Housekeeping Model Women.The kind who monitor their servants with the right mix of discipline and compassion so that they never act smart and are perfectly trained.If you must take all that trouble to teach them how to fold napkins and lay the table why keep them in the first place? For God's sake I am happy enough if I have someone prepare food hot off the stove. I can feed myself and kids out of the karahi even .So much so for napkins with rings and Pasta al Fettucini in Shrimp Sauce .
I have a theory -( infact many theories-as you will find out!).
I am sure these women sublimate all their desires into the Dream of the Purrfect House.That is the only way they can cope with the Drab Reality of Non-Existent Passion.Why waste time in wondering if your husband is having a fling with the new secretary and other skeletons -when you can fuss and fret over airing the linen cupboard and other harmless odours :))
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